LUXSUTURES is specialized in the manufacturing of surgical sutures. The company is located in Luxemburg, in the heart of Europe, between Belgium, France and Germany.
LUXSUTURES surgical sutures are recognized by surgeons around the world, enjoying market and surgeon acceptance based on our high quality standards, growing range of suture materials, as well as fair and competitive prices.
LUXSUTURES maintains quality standards based on the most demanding international regulations, such as EN ISO 13485.
All raw materials and finished products are submitted to stringent quality control by a highly qualified team. Excellence in quality and service are our key to customer satisfaction.
This catalogue contains information about the full range of LUXSUTURES suture materials with details of all standard presentations held in stock. Special sizes of surgical sutures can be supplied following customer’s requests. We are constantly increasing our suture material range based on market developments and customer needs.
LUXSUTURES offers a large range of surgical sutures which enables surgeons to operate in many different surgical specializations.
Absorbable sutures materials:
Non-Absorbable suture materials: